Our business began as a procurement agency offering sourcing and quality control services in 2007 after Weshone Ge gained 13 years of experience in the textile export industry. We started assisting clients in producing their distinctive products by utilizing our extensive textile industry expertise. We focused on blankets, throws, and baby items. Even though we don't have a factory of our own, we set ourselves apart from simple traders by personally sourcing fabrics and materials to guarantee top-notch quality. Every stage of the production process is subjected to meticulous quality checks. The products are made by carefully chosen partner factories with whom we have developed enduring relationships. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have a thorough understanding of our customers' needs and we constantly work to deliver top-notch, cutting-edge products.

Corporate Responsibility


Today corporate social responsibility is high on the agenda of commerce. As for us it is equally important. We comply with this policy due to the fact that we believe and think it is important for all of us, both now and in the future.

What do we mean with corporate social responsibility? Down below you will find our policy. We actively work to be a good employer, to comply with the applicable labor laws, regulations and administrative provisions. The workplace must be sound and safe and ensure that our staff feels well and satisfied both physically and mentally when at work. We promote diversity and gender equality among staff and provide skills development.

Our business is based on good relationships with all stakeholders. This means that we adhere to our commitments, comply with contracts signed and ensuring that all employees are familiar with customer rights and obligations. We shall also be familiar with the laws and regulations that apply to the products we purchase and the services

we sell.As a responsible company we are well aware of the consumer’s rights and observe recommendations andpractices in this respect. We also operate ethically in the market and make use of good marketing practices.Climate issues are very important and we promote a sustainable society by helping to minimize adverse impact on the environment through various initiatives.

We communicate ethically, sincere and transparent both internally and externally. This also means that we actively listen and are open for a dialogue with customers, suppliers and all other stake holders in order to create a mutual understanding.